Why choose Dr Patrick Dedoncker?
Because it is important that you are in professional hands for your cosmetic surgery.
Dr. Patrick Dedoncker is a certified plastic surgeon who is a member of the Royal Belgian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, who performs more than 1.500 large and medium operations per year, at competitive prices.
During our first meeting your doctor takes the time to listen to your whishes and to answer all your questions.
Dr. Patrick Dedoncker executes his operations in a hospital environment that meets with the highest safety standards which are continually adapted to new developments laid down by the Minister of Public Health. This is in total contrast with private clinics for who this government control is not applicable.
Other services like cardiology, pneumology, emergency medicine and intensive care are available if needed.
Our operations are carried out in a very modern infrastructure, all of our operating theatres (16 in total) (see photo link) are equipped with high-tech apparatus in terms of anaesthesia, operation techniques and an anti-bacterial air flow.
After the operation your plastic surgeon is reachable on his mobile in case you may have any questions.
What are the advantages of surgery in a general hospital?
The safety standards are very high in a hospital environment.
Moreover those safety standards are continually adapted to new developments laid down by the Minister of Public Health. This is in total contrast with private clinics for who this government control is not applicable.
If necessary we are able to appeal immediately to other specialised services like cardiology, pneumology, emergency medicine and intensive care.
Your hospital care is in the hands of a professionnel team of nurses and anaethetists who continue to follow training constantly.
Our operations are carried out in a very modern infrastructure, all of our operating theatres (16 in total) (see photo link) are equipped with high-tech apparatus in terms of anaesthesia, operation techniques and an anti-bacterial air flow.
How soon can I be treated?
There are no waiting lists in our Belgian health care. Depending of the intervention you may be traited within the month.
Can I be treated immediately after a consult?
This is only possible for non-sugical procedures. The law forbids us to operate immediately. A reflection period has to be respected.
Does everybody can be taken in consideration for a treatment?
Normally yes, but there are exceptions. For a breast enlargement one has to be of age. And a breast reduction on the other hand is possible at teenage, if there is proof of a enormous burden.
Are the costs of plastic surgery reimbursed?
Some interventions may be reimbursed, completely or partially, by the Belgian social security (mutuality) or by a hospital insurance, under specific conditions. The first condition is that the intervention takes place in a general hospital, certified by the government.
What to do if there is something wrong when you are at home after the surgery?
Contact Dr. Patrick Dedoncker on his personal mobile phone number. You recieve this number after the surgery. He can be reached day and night, in the weekend too, for urgent cases.
Is cosmetic surgery dangerous?
Most of the time not, because cosmetice interventions happen at the surface of the body. There is never contact with the intestines or organs. Of course minor complications such as hemorrhage or infection are always possible.
What do I have to carry along to the clinic?
Bring your identity card. Take off all jewelery and eventual piercings and keep these at home. You get an special surgery shirt from our hospital.
Do I have to bring someone with me for the surgery?
For some treatments it is recommended. Usually you can return home rather quickly after the surgery. But sometimes you may be a bit sore or sleepy. Then it might be useful to have an attendant who drops you at home.
During the intervention your attendant can wait in the waiting room. If the weather is fine he can go out for a while in order to explore the city centre. In Vivoorde as well as in Lokeren there is a lovely centre at walking distance from the clinic. As soon as your surgery is finished we make it known to your attendant.
Which treatments does dr. Patrick Dedoncker perform?
Besides the known cosmetic procedures Dr. Patrick Dedoncker performs also surgery of the skin, like removal of benign and malign skin lesions, tumours and scars. Sometimes he executes hand surgery as well.
How do I chose the right implants?
Choice of Implant
Choosing the right implant is important. Your surgeon is the person who will be able to guide you in your choice. There are four factors to be taken into consideration:
- The size of the implant
- The shape of the implant
- The filling contained by the implant
- The manufacturer of the implant
1. The size of the implant
Most women want adequate volume thus resulting in a natural look. We talk about implants in terms of volume, between 250 and 350 cc. Implants increase in size by a volume of 20cc. For women who prefer a deep decollete, they would be better choosing a volume between 350 and 500 cc. but larger volumes are also possible.
Within a certain volume you can choose the profile of the implant. There are three different profiles to choose from: high profile, medium profile and low profile. The high profile implants, for example, will give you more projection and they are smaller in diameter compared to a low profile implant. This helps women with a narrow chest. These high profile implants are a more rounded, so that they emphasize the round or even the fake look, in so far as this is the desirable look. On the contrary low profile implants are broader and flatter. They lend more towards the natural look. The medium profile implants provide a compromise between both. Your plastic surgeon will be able to help you make the right choice.
2. The shape of the implant
There are two different shapes of implant: Round and anatomical (teardrop shaped). Each one having its advantages, in certain shaped breasts.
Round implants
The round implants are filled with a somewhat more supple gel and can be inserted through a small incision. Often this type of implant is placed behind the pectoral muscle; the effect is almost anatomic, given the pressure of the muscle over the top half of the implant. Round implants are cheaper than anatomical implants and they give the breast a nice round shape. Moreover they provide extra filling at the top of the breast especially when this upper pole is rather flat.
Anatomical implants
This implant is teardrop shaped. The lower part of the implant is thicker than the upper part. It guarantees a highly natural result.
The teardrop shaped implant is filled up with a firmer gel. So as not to damage the implant when being inserted the incision has to be slightly longer. Therefore this type of implant is not normally inserted via the nipple.
Round implants are the most frequently used. Your plastic surgeon will again help you pick the right ones for your body.
3. The filling contained within the implant
The implants are filled with a silicone cohesive gel or a saline solution. The outer surface of the implant is slightly rough; this is to help avoid a capsule formation.
Silicone implants
These are the most popular implants; they have no seams, and are manufactured in one whole piece. The silicone is a cohesive gel. The new generation implants are guaranteed against rupture and if a rupture should appear the cohesive gel is of such a consistency that the silicone is unable to leak away. Silicone implants are the best implants that exist in order to imitate real breast tissue. It is for these reasons that they are so popular.
Saline implants
During the surgical procedure the surgeon fills the pocket of the implant with a salty water solution. This is done through a valve in the implant; the valve stops the saline from leaking out. A saline implant feels less natural. Moreover due to the presence of this valve, leaking may occur if the valve is inadequate. Saline implants feel less natural, on the other hand they can be inserted endoscopically, through the belly button; thus without leaving a scar. Nowadays this type of implant has is not so popular.
We do not use new, experimental fillings because of the unknown long term side effects.
4. The manufacturer of the implant
We only use very high quality implants, the so called A-brands. We do not try to cut costs as far as the implants are concerned; we want what is best for you and your body. For this reason we only work with manufacturers that give a minimum of 15 years guarantee and often a life time guarantee.
Shall I have a lot of pain after my intervention?
No, you do not have to worry about pain. You will be totally free of pain by taking classical painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. Mostly these painkillers are only required during a couple of days. In pain sensitive patients we sometimes prescribe a stronger painkiller. If you should nevertheless have pain despite of the painkillers, this can point to a complication such as bleeding or infection. In this case you simply call your cosmetic surgeon for an advanced control.
Who does the after care of my operation?
The after care is carried out by your own cosmetic surgeon. It is not necessary to have a nurse at home. After all, the care after a cosmetic intervention needs a specialised and specific approach. Immediately after your operation you receive from dr. Patrick Dedoncker an appointment for a first check-up. By doing so your cosmetic surgeon is able to evaluate by himself the first results of your intervention. The first check-up happens mostly of the time within a week. Meanwhile you do'nt have to do anything. The bandage is kept nicely closed for healing.
What is a male chest reduction?
A gynecomastia or male chest reduction consists of removing excess fat or gland. An ultrasound will accurately show at which level the excess is situated. The excess of fat is sucked out by means of vibroliposculpture. This very fast vibrating liposculpture also shatters the glandular tissue, so that this also can be sucked away. If nevertheless excess gland tissue should remain, this is removed via an incision in the nipple.
What do I have to do if a problem appears before my first check-up?
Then you simply call Dr. Patrick Dedoncker on his personal mobile phone number so that you can drop by previously for the check-up.
There is a complication after my surgery. Do I have to worry?
Each surgical intervention, how simple it might be, may end in a complication. A good thing too complications are rather rare. Your cosmetic surgeon does everything to avoid these (e.g. a hemorraghe or an infection). If nevertheless complications should occur, then have confidence in his professionalism. Dr. Dedoncker was also trained to deal in a professional way with complications. In the event of complications it is good to remember that eventual complications wil not interfere the final result of the surgery
How fast can I notice the desired result of my operation?
Patience is very important after cosmetic surgery. Usually there is swelling after an intervention. This is completely normal. Cosmetic surgery is in general surgery of the skin and its foudation. The skin overreacts to this by a defense mechanism that is characterized by an enormous swelling. This is a normal mechanism of defense of our body against harm from the outside, what surgery is as a matter of fact.
Swelling disappears faster in one patient than in the other. Try to overlook this period. It is useless to worry about this as your body follows its own healing process. The first results of your surgery will fast become visible, but take into account that the definitive result can be admired not before two months after your intervention. For definite operations such as face lift or nose correction, the healing process may even last a little bit longer.
Can I take a shower after my surgery?
Though the wounds are glued hermetically Dr. Patrick Dedoncker advises you to keep the wounds dry during the first 10 days. Of course after interventions without real incisions, such as liposuction, one is able to shower immediately.

Surgery and consultations (after appointment)
A.Z. Jan Portaels Gendarmeriestraat 65 B-1800 Vilvoorde Belgium T: +32 (0)2 257 59 74 | ![]() |
VITAZ campus Lokeren Lepelstraat 2 9160 Lokeren Belgium T: +32 (0)9 432 17 88 | ![]() |